Moss Scuttle – Wet Shaving with Warm Lather

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Frog's Eyebrow Moss Scuttle
A hand made gem, and a wet shavers dream, a Moss Scuttle is the ultimate wet shave accessory. Why? Because it keeps your lather warm for your entire shave.

Hot Lather, a Wet Shaver’s Dream

Hot lather is something wet shave enthusiasts and purists had been after for years, and it wasn’t until a fax came into Sara Bonnyman’s pottery studio that the quest or hot lather became a reality.

That fax was from Dr. Chris Moss of Tatamagouche Nova Scotia, a wet shave enthusiast himself. He had devised a version of the old time shaving scuttle that would keep your brush and lather warm for multiple passes every shave. Click here to read the entire story about how the Moss Scuttle came to be.

Moss Scuttle’s Not a One Size Fits All

Moss Scuttles are available in two sizes, large and small, and a variety of colors. The newest of which is Frog’s Eyebrow. You can take a peek at all available Moss Scuttle’s here.

Pieces are shipped internationally, in fact we’ve delivered more then 2600 Scuttles around the globe. Places as far away as:

  • Ghana
  • Guam
  • Iraq
  • Japan
  • the list goes on…(see this map where Moss Scuttles have been shipped)

Each Moss Scuttle is made by potter Sara Bonnyman at her studio in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia Canada. To view some of her other beautiful creations please visit her website at